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Jan 22, 2022
In Snakes
The ball python, given it's name sake due to the defensive act of curling in to a tight ball to protect it's head and vital organs or also known as the Royal python is a brilliant option for a beginner wanting a larger snake without feeling overwhelmed.The species is native to Africa but mainly in the west and central areas of the continent, where it lives in grasslands, shrublands and open forests. This non venemous yet slightly intimidating snake is the smallest of the African pythons, and a the widely available "wild type" is commonly black or dark brown with light brown blotches on the back and sides. Its white or cream belly is scattered with black markings, however as with most domesticated snakes and reptiles many morphs are available from yellows to silvers to even albino and BEL complex colouration. It is a stocky snake with a relatively small head and smooth, semi iridescent scales which will reach a comfortable maximum adult length of 182 cm (6.0 ft). Females reach an average snout-to-vent length of 116.2 cm (45.7 in), a 44.3 mm (1.74 in) long jaw, an 8.7 cm (3.4 in) long tail and weights easily upto 3kg dependant on age,feeding habits and more. Males are smaller with an average snout-to-vent length of 111.3 cm (43.8 in), a 43.6 mm (1.72 in) long jaw, and a 8.6 cm (3.4 in) long tail, but as with all nature this can vary snake to snake. Both sexes have small, pointed pelvic spurs on either sides of the vent and these can vary in size dependant on age. During copulation, males use these spurs for gripping females. Males tend to have larger spurs although the sex is best determined by manual eversion of the male hemipenes or inserting a probe into the cloaca to check the presence of an inverted hemipenis but this is not advised unless you have a qualified vet, similar or well experienced, as done wrong can cause severe damage and complications.
Jan 22, 2022
In Reptiles
Leopard geckos are a crepuscular, ground-dwelling lizard native to semi-desert and arid grassland areas of Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. An arid terrain is ideal for this species however, plain sand is not suitable and can cause severe health implications. The spotted pattern which serves as their namesake also serves as camouflage among the packed earth, rocks, dry grasses, and shrubs characteristic to the landscape. However as of 2019, they have also been found in dry, forested areas of Nepal. Like ball pythons and corn snake’s, leopard geckos can come in many morphs, most being designer and selectively bred. Wild leopard geckos can be found in holes, crevices, under stones, and under a tree’s loose bark. They are particularly fond of living in old stone walls. They are 7-10″ (17-25 cm) long, with females generally being smaller. In captivity leopard geckos are known to live long lives: 15-20 years on average. This is a species which unless in breeding season should be kept solitary as communal living can be dangerous for their physical well being as aggression and stress can lead to both sexes attacking each other. Leopard geckos are insectivores, which means that they eat primarily insects. In the wild, they eat beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, scorpions, and centipedes. They have also been observed preying on caterpillars, pinkie mice, newborn birds, as well as smaller snakes and lizards, however in captivity this should be discouraged. Wax worms can be a fantastic treat but should be used just as that due to their high fat content and leopard geckos, like many reptiles becoming addicted to the, and less willing to eat other sources. Isopods can also be a great choice for calcium and protein content. Unlike most geckos, leopard geckos are unable to climb vertical surfaces due to the absence of setae on their toes. They also have eyelids, eliminating the need for using their tongue to clean their eyes—another characteristic gecko behaviour. However, they can detach and regrow their tail if needed.
Jan 22, 2022
In Snakes
HOGNOSE SNAKE North American hognose snakes are a non-medically significant venomous genus of fossorial colubrid snake’s native to southern Canada, northern Mexico, and most of the United States. There are actually three recognized genera of “hognose” snakes: • Heterodon (North America) • Lystrophis (South America) • Leioheterodon (Madagascar) Although unrelated, these snakes look like they could be cousins. That is due to a phenomenon called convergent evolution — when unrelated species evolve similar traits because of adapting to similar habitats/ecological niches. This hognose snake care guide discusses the three recognized species of Heterodon, North American hognose snakes: • Eastern hognose (Heterodon platirhinos) • Western hognose (Heterodon nasicus) • Southern hognose (Heterodon simus) North American hognose snakes are an exciting yet slightly intimidating snake due to their extensive repertoire of defensive behaviours. If they feel threatened by a potential predator including humans, they may expand the ribs along the front of their body, cobra-like, to make themselves appear bigger. This display is often accompanied by loud hissing. But hognoses are most famous for their bluff strikes which are more like headbutts and their dramatic act of playing dead: Hognose snakes are characterized by short faces with upturned, pig-like snouts used for digging in sandy soil and unearthing buried toads. They have keeled, matte scales along the length of their body and feel very different to either a corn snake or ball python. Many different colours and patterns are available and may be based on species. They also have round pupils, indicating that they are active during the day (diurnal), although they are most active during the morning and late afternoon hours. Depending on the gender and species, hognoses can be anywhere between 14”-46” (36-117cm) long, with females tending to be much larger than the males. Hognose snakes live between 10-15 years in captivity, although there is at least one known case of an 18-year-old hognose. Like other snakes, hognoses are carnivores, which means that more than 90% of their diet comes from eating animals. Although they are considered toad specialists especially H. platirhinos and H. simus, they actually eat a variety of amphibians as well as reptiles and occasionally small mammals. Hognoses are not constrictors, instead relying on their venom to make their prey manageable. Hognoses are technically considered “rear-fanged venomous” because instead of fangs at the front of their jaws like most snakes, the fangs are placed at the back of the upper jaw. Venom delivery is via grooved (not hollow) fangs connected to Duvernoy’s glands, which means that chewing is required for full envenomation of prey. Venom is not present in hognose saliva. Fortunately, hognose venom is specialized for amphibians, making it relatively harmless to humans and does not require medical attention, unless like a bee sting you are allergic.
Jan 22, 2022
In Snakes
Corn snakes are a nonvenomous, semi-arboreal species of snake native to the south-eastern United States, parts of Mexico, and the Cayman Islands. They are found in the temperate forest biome, preferring wooded groves, rocky hillsides, meadowland, as well as barns. Corn snakes are long, slender snakes with oval heads and round pupils. Exact color and pattern depends on locality and morph, but generally, a wild-type (“normal”) corn snake will be orange or brownish-yellow with large, black-edged red or brown blotches down its back. There are two alternating rows of smaller blotches on each side. The belly often has a black and white checkered pattern, but this is dependent on the specific morph and genes that individual carries. We produce a large variety of morphs and patterns here at Shropshire Exotics. When newly hatched, corn snakes can measure anywhere between 10-15” (25-38 cm). The first ten days they will start to go through their first shed and keeping them hydrated is vital. Once this is completed the first feed should be offered with care and patience as this may not be obvious to them at first. With hatchlings being so small, their only options of defence are to coil in to an “S” shape to be able to strike coinciding with tail rattling. This is expected until they become more acclimated to a human and will subside with more regular handling. A hatchling strike is nothing to fear and simply feels like the rough side of a piece of Velcro, you will more than likely react due to the surprise rather than the pain. They will eventually grow to be about 3-5’ (.9-1.5 m) as adults. As small as 2′ and as large as 6′ is possible. There is no significant size difference between the sexes. Corn snakes are crepuscular, which means that although they are active at night, their peak hours are around dawn and dusk. In the wild, these hours are spent hunting prey like small mammals, frogs, fish, and even birds on occasion. Because they don’t have hands to help them subdue prey, corn snakes use their teeth and powerful constricting muscles to squeeze prey until it passes out. However, this is a grey area within captivity and should not be attempted unless under the strict supervision and advice of a qualified vet or herpetologist. Most regularly used type of feed is humanely euthanised frozen then thawed prey items such as mice, chicks and to some extent, rats. Because of their simple (but still necessary) care requirements, docile but active personality, and exceptional hardiness, corn snakes can make excellent snakes for first-timers. Captive corn snakes usually reach adulthood around 1.5-2 years old, and with good care they can live long lives — 15-25 years. Some have lived as long as 30!
Jan 19, 2021
In Isopods
Porcellionides pruinosus, commonly called the Powder Isopod, are small to medium sized isopod with a grayish blue coloration. These soft bodied isopods will grow to be 3/8” to ½” in length and will reproduce quickly once established in your setup. P.pruinosus isopods are very active and will spend most of their time at the surface of the soil, or hiding under decorations. Just before they molt, these isopods display a powdery white look to their exterior, which lends to their common names Powder orange, Powder blue and Powder white. All showing the associated colours per morph. Just like the P.laevis species the P.pruinosus can tolerate drier enclosures but must be kept with some type of moist area, damp soil, sphagnum moss or the like to help them rehydrate. Again P.pruinosus are a very protein dominant species and should be feed with a rich protein diet consisting of dried shrimp, dried fish, fish flake or our isopod feed pouches.
Jan 19, 2021
In Isopods
There are plenty of good and very hardy species of isopods for all stages of experience. Main staples for beginners include Porcelliio laevis. Which should be kept like most other isopods: a substrate base of soil with bits of rotting leaves/wood mixed in, a top layer of leaf litter, bark hides, moderate humidity, they can handle drier conditions but at least a corner of moist sphagnum moss should be included in the enclosure). ALL isopods need rotting leaves,but extra protein in their diet is needed in the form of dried shrimp, dried fish or simply fish flakes. If not offered enough proteinthis species will begin to cannibalize. All isopods should also be offered a calcium source to promote healthy exoskeleton growth, such as our calcium powder sachets.


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